Course Code: 2820

Department: Other

Course Type: Teacher Education

Course Format: Online

Credits: 3

Course Description

Addresses teaching middle school and high school students to improve their ability to read and learn from text, regardless of the class they are taking. It will help teachers and potential teachers, regardless of subject area, understand the importance of literacy in their classroom, the weaknesses of struggling readers and writers, and the impact of technology on literacy development in our society. Students taking the course will study, use, and evaluate a wide range of strategies and approaches to literacy. The focus is on reading and writing strategies that promote a better understanding of subject content for secondary school students of all backgrounds and ability levels. This course is intended for those persons who have a bachelor's degree and are seeking initial teacher certification and for teachers seeking recertification.
Reading proficiency, must have a bachelor's degree, and be a student seeking certification, or recertification. Departmental permission/granted petition is required.
Program Requirement
Professional Education Courses for Maryland Certification/Recertification,Professional Education Courses for Maryland Certification/Recertification